Summer School Funnies


This morning I was so excited about getting my little man up for his first day of summer school.  After I hit the snooze button for the third time I decided it was time to start the day.  Since I was late I had to hurry.  I jumped out of bed at 6:52 am and ran to the kitchen to make his lunch.  At 6:55 I flew into his room and yanked an outfit out of the closet.  I’m really organized huh? By 7:05 I was dragging him out of the bed with promises of an awesome day at school.

Surprisingly he was all ready to go by 7:25.  Yes. I did that dang thang!  I brushed his teeth, fed him breakfast, made his lunch, applied his lotion, ironed his clothes, got him dressed, sprayed his curly head, and jerked the door open to wait for the bus…with five minutes to spare.  Who’s boss?

Around about 7:35 I chuckled, thinking how much I rushed only to be waiting for the late bus driver.  At 7:45 I walked outside to see if I could see the bus coming from the distance.  By this time, my son had plugged up his tablet and powered it on.  When 7:50 rolled around I knew that there was no way he could be on time for an 8:00 summer program.  Jr. started to get upset at that time so I figured it was time to start calling.

I called the school, and they transferred me.  Since I have so much patience, I hung up right after she placed me on hold and searched for another phone number.  By 8:20 I had made about three calls and I was finally on the phone with the transportation department.

“Ma’am. School starts tomorrow.”

Silence…. “Hello?”

“Well, what is today?”  I had to ask that question so that I didn’t look too crazy, but truth is, I knew the date.  The saddest part of this story is that my son has been telling me since last week that school starts on Tuesday. I  convinced him that he was wrong…no easy deal.  Then I find out I’m the one who’s wrong.  When will I learn that when #autismspeaks I should LISTEN?  Autism Speaks folks.  It’s time to listen.  LOL  Good night!

14 thoughts on “Summer School Funnies

  1. LOL!!! I so did the samethimg this morning. We were up and waiting on the bus that never showed lol. I had given my son so many promises on how school is going to be fun then I would take him to the pool when he got home. Needless to say after talking to the school secretary she told me when school actually started lol all I could do was laugh!

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    1. Hilarious!!! I promised to take him to the pool tomorrow. That’s too funny! The administration probably thinks that we have “special needs” too. Lol So glad I wasn’t the only one today.


    1. Girl I thought the bus was coming at 7:30 today and when they didn’t show up I took him to school. When he came home today the bus driver told me that she was at my house at 7am. Somebody help me! SMH LOL

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      1. Clearly I need something. I’m mapping out a plan for tomorrow. I didn’t know you live in Florida. Next summer we really want to go again. We used to visit every year but if we come we’d love to meet you guys.

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      2. I am originally from Florida but moved and lived in Georgia for 8 years. We moved back to Florida in 2013 because of the Autism services available here. If you come to visit it would be great to meet each other!

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      3. For one thing Florida had more autism classrooms than Georgia. In our area in Georgia there were only 2 austism classrooms in our area. It was pathetic. In our current area in Florida there were a choice of 12 autism classrooms. There are more special needs camps also, free swimming lessons at his school etc…

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